Advocacy Visits
Members of the AK APRN Alliance have traveled to Juneau and Washington D.C. to visit legislators and stakeholders to encourage APRN advocacy for our patients and profession.
It is important to share our perspectives with those creating the laws to further their understanding of the reality faced by our patients and all Alaskan APRNs.
If you plan on participating in an Advocacy Visit, please reach out to us to help maximize your visit. If going to Juneau, you may find the virtual tour of the Alaska State Capital Building useful.
There is power in the collective representation of our group and we greatly appreciate those that make these visits on behalf of our organization.
Over the past several years, all advocacy visits have been funded by the person attending (not the APRN Alliance) to minimize the cost to our members. However, this leads to inequitable representation by those that have the time and funds to attend. We hope in the future to have the funds to sponsor visits to Juneau and Washington D.C. to promote an equitable representation.
Take a Virtual Tour of the Alaska State Capitol Building in Juneau:

Alaska State Legislature

Click here
At the bottom of the page on the Alaska State Legislature website is a place you can enter your address to find your specific representatives. There are also navigation links on that page to view all Alaska State Senate and House Representatives.